Friday, July 29, 2011

Professional Learning Plan

Did you learn everything you set out to?
Initially, I set out to learn more about student blogging, social networking and web design. I definitely feel I have learned a lot about those topics. I feel comfortable enough to teach others about those programs/ideas. 

What did you learn that you didn’t anticipate learning?
I learn so much in this class. When I look at the list it seems impossible, but I am quite proud and empowered: Podcasting, screencasting, personal blog, Prezi, Glogster, bubble, QR codes, word clouds, creative commons, webquests, imovie, mixbook, TPACK, UDL, voicethread, PLN, the list goes on…

Are there still some things you are interested in learning more about?
I am interested in learning more about iPads, Smart Board Notebook software, classroom web design and/or wiki site design. 

What other literature or theory do you want to connect with?
I am so passionate about Gender Specific Learning and excited to teach an all girls class this fall. I find myself challenged to meet the needs of boy learners. I would love to read more literature about how technology can meet the needs of how boys learn.  

How are you going to take what you learned here and integrate it into your personal and professional workflows?
I am going to share tools with my technology committee and peer teachers. I plan on hosting tutorials to staff, because I often find it’s the fear of the unknown in operating a program/tool that usually stops teachers from using technology. If I can spend twenty minutes a week showing another teacher how to use a program I think I will open many teachers to the idea of TPACK.  

What specific goals do you have between now and next summer in your teaching practice? How specifically do you plan to accomplish these?
I really want to fully develop my classroom website/blog. I plan to develop my website individually on a weekly basis. I am very excited to incorporate student blogging in our reading and writing workshops. I plan to have my students participate in blogging every week. I am also looking forward to incorporating technology projects into our lab times. I plan to incorporate technology projects every three weeks in lab. 

Which goals do you think you can accomplish on your own, which do you need help with, and where might that help come from?
I feel confident in my ability to administer student blogging. I plan on getting help fusing technology tools with content from our school technology director, who is very knowledgeable on our curriculum. I plan on getting help on my classroom website from the technology committee leader, who has her own classroom website.


  1. Angela I loved newspaper what a great PLN it was fun and inventive. This was a great example of the things you have learned and your journey this summer. Pam Murphy

  2. Nicely done, Angela! I love that you created a newspaper page to simply and easily depict your goals for the coming year. The inclusion of a QR Code is AWESOME!
