Project Reflection
1. What tool did your group use to deliver the PD tutorial? Why?
My group implemented the use of three tools to create our final video PD tutorial. We used Keynote, a presentation tool, to create a slide show to display text information regarding copyright law, fair use and Creative Commons. We did this because we wanted to have some text in the tutorial to support visual learners that learn best from reading. We also incorporated the use of video footage of us at a school to act out scenarios that teachers often experience regarding copyright laws. We decided to use video footage to support auditory learners and individuals that learn best from examples. The final tool we used was Screen-o-Matic, which is a screen casting tool. We used this screen casting tool to describe how to understand Creative Commons images and to discuss a checklist that helps teachers know what they can use and how they can use it. We used Screen-o-Matic to support auditory and kinesthetic learners, because the screen cast provides an audio element and shows the viewers how to navigate Creative Commons images on Flickr. We also picked Screen-o-Matic because you can create longer screen casts and the program allows you to download the file so that you can put it into a video creation program. To combine these elements of our project we used Windows Live Movie Maker to create our final video product. We used Windows Live Movie Maker because it allowed for smooth transitions, music, combining stills of our slide show, and incorporating video footage along with our Screen-o-Matic footage.
2. What did you learn during the development process of the final product?
During the development process of our final product I learned a few things. I learned how to manage the length of the Screen-o-Matic that I created. I learned that it’s very easy to talk too long when explaining how to do something. It’s important to keep things brief so that you don’t lose the attention of the viewer. I also learned that it’s important to keep screen casts simple, so that you don’t confuse a viewer. I learned that it’s important to have a pre-written script of what you are going to say on a screen-cast. Initially, I thought I could just explain creative commons from memory, but you need a script to sound organized This is similar to needing note cards to reference during a presentation. In regards to putting together the final movie, the group discovered the importance of not overwhelming the presentation with too much talking in order to support visual learners too. That’s why we decided to play music in the background for the slide show portion of the video instead of talking over the slides. We realized the benefit of incorporating music in the video for entertainment and engagement value. We also discovered the importance of transition slides, to keep the content connected and to allow the presentation to have a smooth flow.
3. What would you do differently if you had to develop a similar product again?
If I had to develop a similar product again I would take time to do more research on the subject individually, instead of doing the research as a group. This is simply because doing research as a group is not always a good use of group work time. I would also incorporate another screen cast, because I find screen casts to be very user friendly and I think audiences often feel motivated to try the activity being modeled in the screen cast. I also think it would be helpful to include another video scenario, because I think viewers benefit from having real world examples given that they can relate to. The final element I would do differently is add images to our slide show to help them be more visual.
Excellent job on the project, Angela. It is clear that your group worked well together, and produced a collaborative product! I agree that screencasts are a powerful way to share information - and loved the one you did on creative commons. While it is challenging to be succinct, you all did a great job of synthesizing the information!